Policies and Procedures

The Graduate Program in Ecology of Inland Water Ecosystems - PEA is ruled by the Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs Regulation of the State University of Maringá - UEM and by specific PEA Polices. In addition, the PEA has specific procedures, such as for the deposit of Theses and Dissertations and application for a Diploma. Below you can find the documents for clarification. In case of doubts, consult the PEA secretariat.


General Graduate Program Regulation at State University of Maringá - (Res. 013/2018-CEP)

Regulation of the Graduate Program in Ecology of Inland Water Ecosystems- (Res. 058/2018-CI / CCB)

Rules and Procedures

Procedures for Registration as a Non-Regular Student in Courses

Request for defence scheduling

Rules for inclusion and exclusion of PEA Professors

Rules for requesting the co-orientation

Rules for the functioning of the PEA Masters and PhD scholarship committee

Rules for Dissertation / Thesis defence (see the example file for Dissertation/Thesis)

Rules for the Language Sufficiency Exam (English or Portuguese)

Rules for General Examination of Qualification (EGQ)

Rules for Teaching Internship

Rules for admission in the Continuous Admission mode and for level migration

Rules for Regular Admission mode

Rules for International Admission mode

Rules for Postdoctoral Research Admission - PNPD/CAPES 2018-2026